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Check back for new chicks added daily! 
Check back for new chicks added daily! 
Check back for new chicks added daily! 
Golden Laced Black Silkie Polish - 3 months old Check back for new chicks added daily! 
Red and Black Sizzle Fancy Pants Chicken - 3 months old Check back for new chicks added daily! 
Silkie Crossed with a Red Frizzle. This little fancy pants fire ball will reach 2 to 3 lbs and has a lot of cuddle in...
Chickens For Sale Near Me Chicks
Hybrid Chickens are chickens we have created using sets of prolific egg layers and dual purpose birds that can be also used for meat. Our...
Polish Cross Sikie. Here we have a blue bearded siklie crossed with a golden laced crested polish chicken. This fancy pants chickens can get up...
Some features of the rooster are not correct but it is very close. It is breedable but not perfect.
Ayem Cemani Chicks for Sale. The breeders meet 100% of Ayam Cemani breeding standard. Most importantly the comb is perfect on the rooster. Extra dark skin,...
This is a young rooster that just started his breeding season so the comb will flush with hormones causing a red tint. Once the rooster...